24-Hour Helplines: Phone: (919) 967-7273 Text: (919) 967-7273
24-Hour Helplines: Phone: (919) 967-7273 Text: (919) 967-7273
As of March 16th, the OCRCC offices are closed to both visitors and staff.
Click here for more information on the current status of Orange County.
The health and safety of our employees, volunteers, clients, and partners is a priority for us at the Orange County Rape Crisis Center. We are closely following the advice of public health officials at the CDC and the Orange County Health Department regarding the outbreak of the respiratory disease coronavirus/COVID-19. The situation is evolving rapidly and we anticipate conditions in our community could change very quickly. Please click here to read our full statement.
A Note for Survivors:
In times of uncertainty and public anxiety, navigating the world as a survivor can feel even more heavy. As we consider or prepare for precautionary measures like social distancing, self-quarantine, or sheltering in home, survivors may experience heightened feelings of isolation. If you are confined to a home or space where your assault occurred or where your harmdoer is also contained, planning for emotional and physical safety can feel even more daunting. Our 24-hour crisis intervention and support services are still active throughout this pandemic period.
Help, Hope and Healing are still just a call, text or chat away- 24 hours a day, every day.
Call Us: (919) 967-7273
Text Us: (919) 504-5211
Chat Online: Click the button at the bottom of the page on our website
Cardinal Innovations Mental Health Emergency Crisis Line
Cardinal Innovations is a managed care organization (MCO) that serves 20 counties across North Carolina, including Orange and Chatham, as that area’s public mental health agency.
Call **ASK (**275) if you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need help.
Call the Help4NC Helpline at (855) 587-3463 if you need help connecting with additional mental health and resilience supports.
Call the Hope4Healers Helpline at (919) 226-2002 if you are a health care professional looking for mental health and resilience supports for yourself or your family.
Crisis Text Line
Text HOME to 741741 to text with a trained crisis counselor.
Disaster Distress Helpline
Call 1-800-985-5990 or Text TalkWithUs to 66746
The Disaster Distress Helpline provides crisis counseling and support for anyone in the U.S. experiencing distress or other behavioral health concerns related to any natural or human-caused disaster, including public health emergencies.
Freedom House*
Walk-in hours for mental health support are still available from 9am-2pm at 104 New Stateside Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27516.
Call (919) 967-8844 to reach the Mobile Crisis Unit for after-hours for mental health and substance use crisis support, over the phone or video chat only.
Mental Health America
Click here for Mental Health America’s full list of information and resources.
National Eating Disorder Helpline
Text NEDA to 741741
Postpartum Support International
Call 1-800-944-4773
For parents suffering from postpartum depression and in need of access to resources.
Refugee Wellness – UNC Refugee Mental Health and Wellness Initiative*
Refugee Wellness provides free mental health screenings and treatment to adults (18 years +) with refugee status living in Wake, Durham, or Orange counties. At this time, Refugee Wellness is only able to serve people who were resettled in the US less than 5 years ago. Referrals by agency only at: http://refugeewellness.web.unc.edu/make-a-referral/
S.A.F.E Alternatives
Call 1-800-366-8288
S.A.F.E. Alternatives is a nationally recognized treatment approach, professional network, and educational resource base, which is committed to helping you and others achieve an end to self-injurious behavior.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Call 1-800-273-8255
The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
The Trevor Project
Call 1-966-488-7386 or text START to 678678
A national 24-hour, toll-free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth.
Triangle Area Psychology (TAP) Clinic*
Triangle Area Psychology (TAP) Clinic in Durham, NC has created a list of resources for its clients and the community during COVID-19.
“Coaching Calls from a DBT Therapist” is a series of videos where TAP therapists take on common questions and requests for coaching that have arisen during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have also compiled a long list of “Suggested Activities While Practicing Social Distancing.”
For emotional support and safety planning, which is when you can talk through resources, options, and possible choices that may help increase your safety, you can contact a trained advocate on OCRCC’s 24-Helplines by calling (919) 968-7273 or texting (919) 504-5211.
Safety planning with an Advocate or Case Manager at OCRCC can look like talking about ways forward that might increase your safety, such as where you may want to store your documents with personal information, how you may be able to limit your personal information on the internet, who in your life you may be able to reach out to for accompaniment/support/emergency help, and other options you may have. You can find more about safety planning here: https://www.thehotline.org/help/path-to-safety/
Compass Center*
Call (919) 968-4610 or call (919) 929-7122 for 24/7 Domestic Violence services.
Durham Crisis Response Center*
Office Phone: (919) 403-9425
24-Hour Helpline (English): (919) 403-6562
24-Hour Helpline (Spanish): (919) 519-3735
Interactive Guide to Safety Planning
If you are unable to safely connect to an advocate on the phone but have safe and private access to a computer you can complete a virtual safety plan from loveisrespect.org.
Orange County Courthouse*
Most court cases are resuming, and you can check your court date by calling the clerk of court’s office at 919-644-4500 or visiting https://www.nccourts.gov/court-dates
The court is not allowing people to bring in purses or bags, but only items they need (cell phone, keys, documents for your case, payment). There are arrows on the floor marked for one-way entering/exiting the court areas. Inside the courtrooms, you may only sit at the marked spaces, which are 6 feet apart. There may be overflow room in other courtrooms, so ask the bailiff if you are unsure if there is room.
The District Attorney’s office has staff on rotating hours, so they may take longer to get back with you than usual. 50C’s and 50B’s can still be filed at the Clerk of Court’s office – under the stairs in the Orange County courthouse in Hillsborough. We are happy to offer phone or video accompaniment through this process, and you can still contact our helplines for information about this process. 50C and 50B hearings are still happening on Thursdays.
Eviction hearings are resuming—contact Legal Aid (1-866-219-5262) or consult their evictions page (https://www.legalaidnc.org/get-help/self-help-library/landlord-tenant/eviction-guide-0) for more info.
There is a Spanish-speaking clerk at the courthouse, call ahead to check availability.
InterFaith Council*
Food Pantry is operating by appointment only. Staff and volunteers pre-pack grocery orders and meet members outside in the parking lot with their orders. Community Kitchen is preparing to-go boxes and distributing them out of the dining room in small groups.
Orange Congregations in Mission*
The food pantry is still open at 300 Millstone Drive in Hillsborough.
Point Care Ministry*
Point Care Ministry is offering groceries every Saturday at 11am at Hillside Church, 201 Culbreth Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Food Resources for Students and Families Connected to OC Schools*
Click here to view the full list
Find a Food Bank Near You
Railcare Health*
(240) 498-7018
A free mobile medical clinic that has converted their services during COVID-19 to offer free grocery and medication pick-up and delivery for Orange County and beyond. Limited Spanish-speaking services offered. Visit railcarehealth.com.
InterFaith Council*
InterFaith Council is offering Emergency Financial Assistance appointments (utilities or rent, up to $200 for past due bills). Call (919) 929-6380 on Tuesdays at 9am to sign up (you may get a busy signal, keep calling!) (number available in English & Spanish).
Salvation Army*
Call (919) 688-7306 and leave a message at 7:30 am on weekdays. This is available in both English and Spanish.
Catholic Charities of Orange County*
Call (919) 286-1964 ext. 108 to access services available by phone (except the food pantry). This is available for those in Northern Orange County only.
Orange Congregations in Mission*
Call (919)732-6194 ext. 18. This service is available to those in the Orange County School District only (not Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools). These funds can be used to help pay for rent and water bills.
St. Thomas More*
Call (919) 213-9031 and be ready to provide a copy of your lease. The Remote Financial Assistance Ministry will be operating Mondays from 8:30-11:30 AM and Thursdays 6-8 PM. You can also call in advance and leave a message with your name, phone number, and email, and a volunteer will call/email you back during Remote Financial Assistance hours. This line is available in both English and Spanish.
University Presbyterian Church*
Call (919) 929-2102 between 1:30-4 PM on Tuesdays for up to $150 towards utility bills.
Hillside Church*
Call (919) 967-3056 and leave a message for Dina to schedule an appointment for up to $100 towards rent or utility bills. Please bring documentation to your appointment.
Orange County Health Department*
Check Coronavirus info on Orange County website for info updated at least daily: Orangecountync.gov/coronavirus
Orange County Health Department is no longer accepting walk-in appointments. However, they are offering telehealth appointments to meet your immediate medical needs. If you need medical attention please call (919) 245-2400 to schedule a telehealth appointment. Please do not walk into the clinic to request an appointment. Staff speak both English and Spanish.
UNC Hospital*
There are limited designated entry points where patients and visitors are screened with health questions. People experiencing mild symptoms of COVID-19 are encouraged to stay home. One companion will be allowed with each patient in the Emergency Department and with each patient during an outpatient/clinic appointment. Visitors are not allowed in inpatient areas except visitors of:
SHAC Clinic*
SHAC Clinic is currently closed. For current SHAC patients needing medication refills, please call (919) 904-4302 an leave a message clearly stating your full name and phone number.
Housing Hotline*
Call (919) 245-2655 to talk with someone, Monday-Friday, 2-4pm, or Sunday-Thursday, midnight-6am
North Carolina Center for Justice
Updates for Tenants During the Coronavirus
Orange County*
If you are a necessary worker and need to arrange childcare due to COVID-19, call 1-888-600-1685 to arrange childcare with help from the NC Department of Health and Human Services (number available in English & Spanish).
El Centro Hispano Crisis Response Fund*
Orange County Emergency Operations Center COVID-19 Donations*
Chapel Hill Community Post*
LGBTQ Center of Durham QTPOC Emergency Fund*
Church World Service Immigrant Solidarity Fund
North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCCADV)
Incidences of violence within the home have increased due to COVID-19. In plain terms, the situation is dire. The Night of Safety Fund supports this surging cost of providing shelter to survivors. With the funds raised in this campaign, NCCADV will provide direct support for those seeking shelter and prepaid cellular phones to provide safety while social distancing. Click Here to donate.
Additional Mental Health Resources for Coping with COVID-19 Outbreak and its Fallout
Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health, from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
How to Deal With Coronavirus If You Have OCD or Anxiety, VICE Magazine
How to survive coronavirus anxiety: 8 tips from mental health experts, TODAY
SAMHSA’s free 24-hour Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990
We support survivors of all types of sexual violence, such as rape, assault, harassment, stalking, sex trafficking, incest, and child sexual abuse. We are also available to talk to those who feel negatively impacted by a sexual experience. Our services are available to all members of the community regardless of race, socioeconomic class, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, language, national origin, and immigration status.
1229 East Franklin St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
P. O. Box 4722
Chapel Hill, NC 27515
(919) 968-4647
Website Design by Carrboro Creative