24-Hour Helplines: Phone: (919) 967-7273 Text: (919) 967-7273
24-Hour Helplines: Phone: (919) 967-7273 Text: (919) 967-7273
Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering with the Center. Unfortunately there are no open volunteer positions at this time. Our volunteer application will open in the Fall of 2025. Please stay tuned for more details.
Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media for future volunteer program updates and special events coming up in the next year! We would love for you to join us at a community-oriented outreach event, a workshop or even a fundraiser!
Please reach out to volunteers@ocrcc.org with any questions. Please be aware that inquiries regarding future volunteer opportunities may not receive a response until closer to the time that the application opens.
Companions provide support for primary and secondary survivors and professionals by responding to our 24-Hour Helplines. They use active listening and crisis intervention skills. Companions also provide information about medical, legal, and mental health resources, and may accompany a client with a staff member to hospital visits.
-Talk to survivors over the phone.
-Provide emotional support and advocacy for the survivor.
-Accompany the survivor to the hospital for the Sexual Assault Forensic Exam.
-Provide specific information about laws and the legal system.
-Provide referrals for support groups, therapy, counseling, and other OCRCC services.
-Locate reading materials and resources for survivors.
-Help survivors to understand the healing process.
-Fulfill two 24-hour on call shifts OR 12 hours of in-house shifts each month.
-9-month commitment to the OCRCC following volunteer training.
Office Volunteers (OV’s) work with the Business and Finance Manager to help the OCRCC run smoothly and efficiently. The OV’s primary duties are to answer and direct phone calls and welcome clients, guests, and visitors. OV’s provide assistance to and perform tasks for all staff as needed.
-Answer the business phone line and doors while exercising discretion when interacting with clients, guests, and visitors.
-Assist with data entry and management.
-Copy fliers and other materials to be distributed.
-Complete other tasks as directed by OCRCC staff as needed.
-Commit to at least one regular 3.5-hour shift per week. Shifts are Monday-Friday 9:30am-12:30pm and 12:30pm-4:00pm.
-6-month commitment to the OCRCC following volunteer training.
-For applicants attending college, we have a preference that you are able to remain in the area through the summer break unless previously approved by Business and Finance Manager.
Ambassadors are the face of the OCRCC in the community. Ambassadors are outgoing, approachable, and enthusiastic promoters of our cause who are trained to make appropriate referrals to our services while spreading the word about what we do.
-Represent OCRCC at community events such as health fairs, charity fairs, and festivals.
-Advertise OCRCC services and events through personal and professional networks.
-Cultivate opportunities for outreach presentations through personal and professional networks (e.g., faith centers, neighborhood associations, workplaces, etc.).
-Deliver short “What is the OCRCC?” presentations to community groups.
-Make appropriate referrals to OCRCC services for potential clients.
-Assist with a minimum of 10 outreach/tabling opportunities per year.
-Initiate or coordinate a minimum of 3 new outreach opportunities per year (e.g., table at neighborhood health fair, presentation to book club, etc.).
-9-month commitment to the OCRCC following volunteer training.
OCRCC no podría hacer el trabajo que hace en nuestra comunidad sin voluntarios. Dependemos en nuestros voluntarios para apoyar a los sobrevivientes, ofrecer programas de educación y concientización con la comunidad latina.
-Respetar y mantener la confidencialidad de todos quienes contactan a nuestra organización.
-Ayudar OCRCC en el trabajo con la comunidad latina.
Volunteer educators present our “Safe Touch” child sexual abuse prevention programs in local elementary schools. This program teaches children about safe, unsafe, and confusing touches; to trust their instincts; how to “say no, get away, and tell someone;” and to always tell a trusted adult about unsafe touches.
-Present at least 4 programs per month.
-9-month commitment to OCRCC following volunteer training.
Volunteer educators present our “Start Strong” program to students in local middle and high schools. The mission of this program is to prevent peer-to-peer perpetration of violence among adolescents. We aim to change cultural norms related to consent, flirting, sexual misconduct, and bystander intervention. These programs are presented over the course of multiple days.
-Present at least 4 programs per month.
-9-month commitment to the OCRCC following volunteer training.
Support Group Facilitators lead support groups for survivors of sexual violence. Facilitators help create a safe environment to provide participants the opportunity to support each other in healing. Each group is led by two trained facilitators.
-Foster a safe and welcoming atmosphere for survivors to share their experiences.
-Facilitate at least one 6-10 week support group OR facilitate at least one 2-hour workshop that helps survivors develop tools for self-care and managing trauma symptoms.
We support survivors of all types of sexual violence, such as rape, assault, harassment, stalking, sex trafficking, incest, and child sexual abuse. We are also available to talk to those who feel negatively impacted by a sexual experience. Our services are available to all members of the community regardless of race, socioeconomic class, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, language, national origin, and immigration status.
1229 East Franklin St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
P. O. Box 4722
Chapel Hill, NC 27515
(919) 968-4647
Website Design by Carrboro Creative