Transgender Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual event, during which members of the LGBTQ community and allies across the country gather and hold vigils
24-Hour Helplines: Phone: (919) 967-7273 Text: (919) 967-7273
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual event, during which members of the LGBTQ community and allies across the country gather and hold vigils
In honor of International Forensic Nurse’s Week, we acknowledge the effort and dedication of the highly trained cadre of SANE nurses that provide sensitive and skillful
An Exploration of Rape Trauma Syndrome in It Follows Horror films have a complicated and long history of depictions of rape. As many people have
The following are legislative updates from the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCCASA), provided by Executive Director Monika Johnston-Hostler and Staff Attorney Joe Polich.
Dear Friends, With so many great memories and friendships developed, it is bittersweet for me to share with all of you that I will be
Alcohol and sex are commonly tied to one another. We see it intermingled in headlines, advertisements, and rape myths. Media saturates seduction with booze everywhere
Please contact us at for more information or visit our contact page.
We support survivors of all types of sexual violence, such as rape, assault, harassment, stalking, sex trafficking, incest, and child sexual abuse. We are also available to talk to those who feel negatively impacted by a sexual experience. Our services are available to all members of the community regardless of race, socioeconomic class, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, language, national origin, and immigration status.
1229 East Franklin St.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
P. O. Box 4722
Chapel Hill, NC 27515
(919) 968-4647
Website Design by Carrboro Creative