I don’t vote, it doesn’t matter. I’m a college student so I don’t live here. Who has the time with everything else going on in my life and in the world right now?
I’ve heard them all! And if you are (or want to be!) the person in your community who helps your circle of friends and family be empowered voters, I’m sure you have or will too.
As the Campus Organizing Director with the nonpartisan nonprofit organization You Can Vote, I’ve had the opportunity to inform many college students that they have the option to register at college, or back home. It’s their choice! And you too can help the people in your life be informed voters.
If you’re reading this, I’m guessing being a voter is an important part of your sense of identity. I know it is for me. And I want to share some information that will help you help the people in your life identify as voters too.
Public policy and public funds for crucial services are decided by those who show up, and it’s all about helping potential voters connect with what they care about. I have seen so many people become motivated to vote when they can connect voting to issues that are important to them. Whether that’s health care, criminal justice, education, civil rights, or climate change, they can learn how both local and statewide offices impact these issues by using our “What’s On the Ballot” tool.
This tool helps folks see, for example, how County Commissioners pass local budgets for funding local public health, human services, and mental health services, or how the NC General Assembly (our state legislature) makes decisions about whether or not to expand Medicaid.
Talk to the people in your life about what issues they care about and their plan to vote, whether that’s to vote by mail, to vote early, or to vote on election day. It makes a difference when people think through and actively share their plan with someone.
There are lots of options and it’s all about finding the right one for them. My personal favorite is early voting because same day registration, which is only offered during this time period, is a great safety net if any issues arise. And you can share our touch free voter registration tool to help your people check if their registration is current, to update their registration, or to register for the very first time.
Voter Registration Deadline: October 9th
Early Voting Period: October 15th – 31th
Election Day: November 3rd
Thank you for being a voter, and for championing voting in your community!

Jake Gellar-Goad
Campus Organizing Director, You Can Vote
Former Orange County resident