24-Hour Helplines:  Phone: (919) 967-7273  Text: (919) 967-7273 

Schedule a Start Strong Program for Your School

Welcome to our Start Strong scheduling page. If you work for a school and need to schedule Start Strong programming for your classroom, please use the scheduling tool below.

Please click the links to schedule a date for each session according to your grade level. A pop-up window will appear with a calendar of available dates and times for each session.  

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade

9th Grade

Please email startstrong@ocrcc.org with any questions. 

Read more about Start Strong program content per grade level. 

Students learn the differences between healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships. Students are shown different communication styles and given the opportunity to practice resolving conflict in a healthy way. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own values and boundaries, and will gain better insight into understanding their own emotions and the subsequent choices they can make.

Students will learn the definition of sexual harassment, how gender stereotypes and harmful cultural norms translate to real world gender-based violence, and how to safely step up if they see harassment happening at their school. Students will also learn how to safely flirt when they feel ready, and how to honor both themselves and their crush in the process. Healthy communication techniques are modeled and discussed. 

Students learn the differences between healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships, with a focus on teen dating violence. Students dive deeper into the concepts of power and control and how these factors can fuel the cycles of abuse. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own values and boundaries, and have peer-led discussions on how they might act in scenarios where abuse is suspected. 

Students learn the definitions of consent and sexual violence, participate in discussions on how to create sexual experiences that are safe and enjoyable for themselves and their partners, and collaborate with their peers to come up with guidelines for safer sexual encounters. The importance of open communication is emphasized, and students discuss different scenarios and whether it is safe and ethical to proceed