Sonna Loewenthal has worn many hats at the Center. She has acted as a Board member, a Community Educator, and chair of the Nominating and Personnel Committees. Through all her different positions, Sonna has offered the Center invaluable support. We would like to both thank her and highlight her experiences at the Center.
After hearing positive reviews of the Center, Sonna decided to give her time as a member of the Board of Directors in 2004. During her tenure, she spent time as a chair of the Nominating Committee as well as chair of the Personnel Committee. Even having completed her term on the Board of Directors, Sonna still continues to serve on the Personnel Committee 10 years later!
Though her time on the Board and its committees allowed her to better understand the agency and its workings, Sonna finds her role as a Community Educator the most rewarding.
Sonna finds joy in seeing the multitude of reactions that students express. She appreciates the uniqueness of each class, with every student bringing their personal background and thought processes to the table. Even though the lesson plan may be the same, the process of working through the messages rarely is. At the very least, she comes away after each class knowing that she has reached at least a few of the students. Sonna says that on the best of days, “I leave the children sitting up taller, more aware of their own strength and sense of agency, more confident in their own ability to deal with the outside world.”
To Sonna, the most compelling aspect of the agency is the amount of influence the Center has in the community with such limited resources. She sees it as a reflection of the dedication and commitment of the staff members and the efforts of the many volunteers.
We could not agree more! We are extremely grateful for all the support the community, our staff, and volunteers like Sonna continue to provide us. Sonna, you are a treasured supporter and we are so thankful for your presence.