It’s been a rough week for survivors and those who love them. We’ve had all things Woody Allen in the news, plus Piers Morgan insulting and mis-gendering Janet Mock. So with that in mind, here are some positive things to remember and think about as you head into your weekend. To quote feminist writer Jamia Wilson, you can’t ignite change if you’re all burned out…

Jordan Coleman, now 18, created a documentary about domestic violence entitled Paying the Price when he was just sixteen. He spoke to Ebony on why domestic violence matters to him and how he uses media for social change.
After The Daily Beast’s horrifying defense of Woody Allen, it was a relief to see this post from Aaron Bady of The New Inquiry which clearly explains why we need to believe Dylan Farrow and appreciate the courage it took for her to speak about her trauma.
Transgender advocate Janet Mock’s new memoir, Redefining Realness, has just been released. I got the chance to interview her and in the spirit of self-care, this is what she said about taking time for herself:
I get to transform silence into action and transform things through my writing but at the same time it’s like, so much of my life now, especially after February 4th, will be on display for people’s consumption, so a big part of me is learning how to say no to things. Recommending other people to do them because the work is endless and I don’t need to do everything. That’s one thing, saying no to a lot of things–blocking off days to not do writing or “activisty” things. I know that sounds bizarre but I need a day. Also, having boundaries. Some days things pop up and I may have to change that [specific] day, but knowing that I have that day of the week where I can tap into myself and be with myself and see, who am I today? Can I be present and not give myself to people today? And the third thing is knowing that my work stands alone without me, this book, knowing that it is finally published you know it’s like, that can stand alone. Having the confidence to believe that. I’m enough, that’s good enough.
You can purchase her book online here, but I’d recommend supporting your local bookstore if possible.
The new Ms. Marvel is a Muslim teenager! I’m thrilled to see another step in the right direction for media inclusivity.
Getting off the internet can feel like such an escape when things are tough in the media. So while you’re offline, pick up one of the books that the American Library Association selected as the most feminist of the year. The list has books for all ages for all of the amazing girls and women in your life.
Rad teen girl Jewel of Virginia is asking Disney to include princesses of all shapes and sizes. Her petition already has over 20,000 signatures!
A transgender Charlotte teen is in the running for Prom King! If Blake Brokington of East Mecklenburg high raises enough money for charity organization Mothering Across Continents he will be the school’s prom king. Students in the running for prom court have been asked to compete to raise money for charity instead of gathering student votes.
Alice Wilder is our Social Media Intern. She works on a variety of outreach projects for education and advocacy.